8 Adjustment – Book of Thoth

The Adjustment divinatory meanings

Adjustment demonstrates balance and harmony. Legal matters and serious relationships (marriage or business partnership) are also signified. People often look to fairness in their life. They try to be considerate to others, but fairness in a strange word. If I win a court case, my immediate reaction is that it is a fair judgement, while the other side will of course see the outcome as unfair! In the Book of Thoth, Crowley sees this card in a more dynamic scenario. Balance is a continuous process as we continually course correct, and maintain direction. In this more ecological world, it can be seen as a judgement on our ability to balance the inner with the outer, or our needs with the needs of Earth.

Book of Thoth – Adjustment


Balance against each thought its exact opposite.
For the Marriage of these is the Annihilation of Illusion.

Justice, or rather justesse, the act of adjustment, suspension of all action pending decision; in material matters, may refer to law suits or prosecutions. Socially, marriage or marriage agreements; politically, treaties.

Adjustment was transposed with the Strength/Lust in the Thoth Tarot. It shows balance and harmony; if there is imbalance, the correction may require recourse to the law. There may also be treaties or marriage.

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    • ar1cz

      Hi Chris, Thank you… what page were you on?

      • Chris Campbell

        I was clicking on the link to Justice/Adjustment on the front page of the site, http://www.supertarot.co.uk. From there it took me to that link I sent you with the 3 in it. When I deleted the 3, it came up.

        • ar1cz

          Fixed! Thank you

          • Chris Campbell

            It certainly appears that today I got Justice!

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