Decanates in Tarot and Astrology

In both tarot and astrology, decanates offer a fascinating way to deepen your understanding of the Minor Arcana by linking each card to specific periods of the year and planetary influences. Each decanate rules over 10 degrees of the zodiac, dividing each sign into three distinct parts, and corresponds to a card from the 2 to 10 in the Minor Arcana.

Understanding Decanates

Each zodiac sign is divided into three decanates, each covering 10 degrees of the sign. These decanates correspond directly to the tarot’s Minor Arcana cards:

  • First Decanate (0°–10°): Represents the 2 of the suit associated with the sign.
  • Second Decanate (10°–20°): Corresponds to the 3 of the suit.
  • Third Decanate (20°–30°): Relates to the 4 of the suit.

For example, in Aries:

  • The first decanate (0°–10°) corresponds to the Two of Wands.
  • The second decanate (10°–20°) corresponds to the Three of Wands.
  • The third decanate (20°–30°) corresponds to the Four of Wands.

This sequence continues through the zodiac, moving from Aries to Pisces, with each sign starting its sequence with the number corresponding to its element’s suit.

Decanates and Planetary Rulership

Each decanate is ruled by a planet, following a sequence known as the Chaldean Order. This order ranks the planets by their perceived speed from slowest to fastest: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon. However, when assigning planetary rulers to the decanates, we start with the ruling planet of the sign and continue in Chaldean order.

For instance:

  • Aries (Fire):

    • Two of Wands: Mars (Aries’ ruler)
    • Three of Wands: Sun
    • Four of Wands: Venus
  • Taurus (Earth):

    • Five of Disks: Mercury
    • Six of Disks: Moon
    • Seven of Disks: Saturn

This pattern continues through each zodiac sign, assigning each decanate a planetary ruler that adds another layer of meaning to the corresponding tarot card.

Decanates and Time

Since each decanate rules 10 degrees of the zodiac, it also governs approximately 10 days of the year. This connection allows for more precise astrological predictions and interpretations in tarot readings, as each card not only represents a specific aspect of life but also ties into a particular time frame.

Decanates and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life

The Chaldean Order also appears on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, but in reverse. The planetary associations are as follows:

  • 3. Binah: Saturn
  • 4. Chesed: Jupiter
  • 5. Geburah: Mars
  • 6. Tiphareth: Sun
  • 7. Netzach: Venus
  • 8. Hod: Mercury
  • 9. Yesod: Moon

Interestingly, in tarot, the decanate sequence begins with the Twos and ends with the Tens. This arrangement may seem confusing at first, as it appears to work against the natural planetary flow. This aspect of the tarot, with its deliberate complexity, is part of the mystical challenge it presents to students, encouraging deeper contemplation and study.

Summary of Decanates by Zodiac Sign

  • Aries:

    • Two of Wands (Mars)
    • Three of Wands (Sun)
    • Four of Wands (Venus)
  • Taurus:

    • Five of Disks (Mercury)
    • Six of Disks (Moon)
    • Seven of Disks (Saturn)
  • Gemini:

    • Eight of Swords (Jupiter)
    • Nine of Swords (Mars)
    • Ten of Swords (Sun)
  • Cancer:

    • Two of Cups (Venus)
    • Three of Cups (Mercury)
    • Four of Cups (Moon)
  • Leo:

    • Five of Wands (Saturn)
    • Six of Wands (Jupiter)
    • Seven of Wands (Mars)
  • Virgo:

    • Eight of Disks (Sun)
    • Nine of Disks (Venus)
    • Ten of Disks (Mercury)
  • Libra:

    • Two of Swords (Moon)
    • Three of Swords (Saturn)
    • Four of Swords (Jupiter)
  • Scorpio:

    • Five of Cups (Mars)
    • Six of Cups (Sun)
    • Seven of Cups (Venus)
  • Sagittarius:

    • Eight of Wands (Mercury)
    • Nine of Wands (Moon)
    • Ten of Wands (Saturn)
  • Capricorn:

    • Two of Disks (Jupiter)
    • Three of Disks (Mars)
    • Four of Disks (Sun)
  • Aquarius:

    • Five of Swords (Venus)
    • Six of Swords (Mercury)
    • Seven of Swords (Moon)
  • Pisces:

    • Eight of Cups (Saturn)
    • Nine of Cups (Jupiter)
    • Ten of Cups (Mars)

By understanding the relationship between decanates, planetary rulership, and the tarot, you can gain deeper insights into both astrological charts and tarot readings, revealing the intricate web of influences that shape our lives.