How to Make Tarot Predictions

Making predictions with tarot can be straightforward once you understand the underlying system. The key lies in the astrological attributions of the tarot cards, which can be linked to specific time periods. This method applies to the Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, and Court Cards across all tarot decks, including the popular Rider-Waite deck.

The Secret to Tarot Predictions

Each tarot card is associated with a particular astrological influence, which corresponds to a specific time frame. By identifying the card’s astrological attribution, you can predict events or energies likely to manifest during that period. With practice, you’ll begin to notice the patterns and connections between the cards and their associated dates.

Time Periods Covered by Tarot Cards

Here’s how the different groups of tarot cards correspond to time periods:

  • 30 Days – 12 Major Arcana: Each of the 12 Major Arcana cards linked to astrological signs covers approximately 30 days. For example, The Emperor, associated with Aries, governs late March to late April.
  • 30 Days – 12 Court Cards: Similarly, 12 Court Cards (Kings, Queens, and Knights in some systems) are also linked to astrological signs and cover 30-day periods.
  • 10 Days – 36 Minor Arcana: The Minor Arcana from 2 to 10 correspond to the decanates (10-degree segments) of the zodiac, with each card covering 10 days. For instance, the Two of Wands relates to the first decanate of Aries, governing the first 10 days of the Aries period.
  • Day of the Week – 7 Major Arcana: Seven Major Arcana cards are associated with the seven classical planets and can be linked to the days of the week. For example, The Sun card might correspond to Sunday.

Tarot Cards You Cannot Use for Predictions

While most tarot cards have date associations, a few do not and therefore aren’t typically used for making predictions. These cards are:

  • Aces: Representing pure elemental energy and the root of each suit, Aces embody potential rather than specific time frames.
  • Pages (Rider-Waite) or Princesses: These cards are associated with the element of Earth and do not correspond to particular dates.
  • The Fool, The Hanged Man, and Judgment (Aeon): These Major Arcana cards are tied to elements rather than astrological signs. The Fool represents Air, The Hanged Man Water, and Judgment Fire, making them more symbolic of broader energies than specific time periods.

Practical Application

To make predictions using tarot:

  1. Identify the cards drawn in your reading and note their astrological attributions.
  2. Refer to the calendar to see which dates correspond to these cards.
  3. Observe the patterns: With practice, you’ll begin to notice how certain cards repeatedly appear in relation to specific time frames, helping you refine your predictive abilities.

By understanding the astrological connections of the tarot cards, you can make more accurate predictions, aligning the energies of the cards with specific dates and time periods. This method allows you to anticipate the timing of events and the unfolding of certain energies, offering valuable insights during your tarot readings.