Golden Dawn title The Lord of the Flame and the Lightning, King of the Spirits of Fire Divinatory meanings He is active, generous, fierce, sudden and contemptuous. If ill-dignified he is evil-minded, cruel, bigoted, brutal. MacGregor Mathers Man living in the country,...
Golden Dawn Court Cards
Golden Dawn Court Cards
Descriptions and divinatory meanings of the twenty Golden Dawn Court cards of Knights, Queens, Princes, Princess and Aces.
Queen of Wands – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn title Queen of the Thrones of Flame Divinatory meanings Adaptability, steady force applied to an object. Steady rule; great attractive power, power of command, yet liked notwithstanding. Kind and generous when not opposed. If ill-dignified, obstinate,...
Prince of Wands – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn title The Prince of the Chariot of Fire Divinatory meanings Swift, strong, hasty, rather violent, yet just and generous, noble and scorning meanness. If ill-dignified, cruel, intolerant, prejudiced, and ill-natured. MacGregor Mathers Departure, Separation,...
King of Cups – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn Title Lord of the Waves and the Waters, King of the Hosts of the Sea Divinatory meanings Graceful, poetic, venusian, indolent, but enthusiastic if roused. Ill-dignified He is sensual, idle, and untruthful. MacGregor Mathers A fair Man, Goodness, Kindness,...
Queen of Cups – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn Title Queen of the Thrones of the Waters Divinatory meanings She is imaginative, poetic, kind, yet not willing to take much trouble for another. Coquettish, good-natured, underneath a dreamy appearance. Imagination stronger than feeling. Very much affected...
Prince of Cups – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn Title Prince of the Chariot of the Waters Divinatory meanings He is subtle, violent, crafty and artistic. A fierce nature with calm exterior. Powerful for good or evil, but more attracted by the evil, if allied with apparent Power or Wisdom. Ill-dignified...
King of Swords – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn title Lord of the Winds and Breezes, King of the Spirit of Air Divinatory meanings He is active, clever, subtle, fierce, delicate, courageous, skilful, bit inclined to domineer. Also to overvalue small things, unless well-dignified. Ill-dignified...
Queen of Swords – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn title Queen of the Thrones of Air Divinatory meanings Intensely perceptive, keen observation, subtle, quick, confident, often perseveringly accurate in superficial things, graceful, fond of dancing and balancing. Ill-dignified, cruel, sly, deceitful,...
Prince of Swords – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn title Prince of the Chariots of the Winds Divinatory meanings Full of ideas and thoughts and designs, distrustful, suspicious, firm in friendship and enmity, careful, slow, over-cautious. Symbolises Alpha and Omega, the Giver of Death who slays as fast as...
King of Pentacles – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn title Lord of the Wild and Fertile Land, King of the Spirits of Earth Divinatory meanings Unless very well dignified, he is heavy, dull and material. Laborious, clever and patient in material matters. Ill-dignified He is avaricious, grasping, dull,...
Queen of Pentacles – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn title Queen of the Thrones of Earth Divinatory meanings She is impetuous, kind, timid, rather charming, greathearted, intelligent, melancholy, truthful, yet of many moods. Ill-dignified She is undecided, capricious, foolish, changeable. MacGregor Mathers A...
Prince of Pentacles – Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn title Prince of the Chariot of Earth Divinatory meanings Increase of matter, increase of good and evil, solidifies, practically applies things, steady, reliable. Ill-dignified Animal, material, stupid. Is either slow to anger, but furious if roused....