The Vital Triads

The Vital Triads are an enigmatic aspect of the tarot, particularly within the esoteric teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. These triads are composed of seven sets of three Major Arcana cards, combined with the Universe card, creating a complex and mysterious structure. Despite various attempts to decode their meaning, the Vital Triads remain a largely unexplained and cryptic element of tarot symbolism.

Understanding the Vital Triads

The Vital Triads involve the permutation of the Major Arcana in groups of three, paired with the Universe card. While the exact purpose and interpretation of these triads are unclear, they are believed to represent deep spiritual or mystical truths, possibly linked to the cycles of existence, the evolution of consciousness, or the interaction of elemental forces.

Each triad may be thought of as a dynamic interplay of energies, where the combined influence of the three Major Arcana cards reveals a hidden aspect of the Universe. The Universe card itself, often seen as the culmination of the Fool’s journey through the tarot, might serve as a unifying or grounding force within each triad.

The Mystery of the Vital Triads

Despite their intriguing composition, the Vital Triads have not been clearly defined or explained in any definitive way. They could represent:

  • Archetypal Patterns: Each triad might reflect fundamental patterns of creation and destruction, balance and imbalance, or the synthesis of different spiritual principles.

  • Philosophical Concepts: The triads could symbolise stages of personal or cosmic evolution, embodying the synthesis of dualities or the resolution of conflicts within the self or the universe.

  • Magical Formulas: In the context of ritual or meditation, the Vital Triads might be used as a framework for working with specific energies or achieving particular spiritual insights.

The Role of the Universe Card

The inclusion of the Universe card in each triad suggests that these combinations are meant to express a complete and holistic understanding of a particular mystery. The Universe represents completion, integration, and the harmony of all elements, making it a fitting anchor for these complex groupings.

The Ongoing Mystery

The Vital Triads remain an open-ended mystery within tarot studies. They invite contemplation, meditation, and personal exploration, rather than offering straightforward answers. As with many aspects of esoteric tradition, their true meaning may be intended to be discovered intuitively or through personal revelation rather than intellectual analysis.

The Vital Triads continue to be a source of fascination and speculation within the study of tarot and the esoteric arts. While their precise significance remains elusive, they offer a tantalising glimpse into the deeper, more mystical layers of tarot symbolism, encouraging each seeker to explore their own understanding and connection to these mysterious permutations.