4 of Cups – Rider-Waite



A young man is seated under a tree and contemplates three cups set on the grass before him; an arm issuing from a cloud offers him another cup. His expression notwithstanding is one of discontent with his environment.

Weariness, disgust, aversion, imaginary vexations, as if the wine of this world had caused satiety only; another wine, as if a fairy gift, is now offered the wastrel, but he sees no consolation therein. This is also a card of blended pleasure.

Additional Meanings: Contrarieties.


Novelty, presage, new instruction, new relations.

Additional Meanings: Presentiment.

46 4 of Cups The Etteilla Tarot The Book of Thoth


Le Quatre de Coupe

Weariness, Displeasure, Discontentment, Disgust, Aversion, Enmity, Hate, Horror, Anxiety, Mental Suffering, Mild Dejection, Vexation, Painful, Annoying, Unpleasant. Distressing, Troubling.


New Instruction, New Light. Sign, Indication, Conjecture. Omen, Presage. Premonition, Prognostication, Prediction, Novelty.


Four of Cups


Annoyance, aversion, disgust, affliction, discontent (with his environment), satiety; blended pleasure. Reversed: News, presage, new light on things, novelty, new acquaintances made, etc.


The Water of the soul on the Twelfth house, which rules many changes, and adverse influences and, in general, the surroundings so far as they are not yet mastered, and therefore inimical. Indeed this house brings much affliction in matters of the world; materially it is anything but successful and in this respect will certainly bring annoyances, but on the other hand new knowledge of Nature’s wonders is revealed in this house. Discontent with environment, certainly, but at the same time it shows the querent throwing his future on the waters of new adventure, leaving home and family to wander forth towards new experiences, enlarging the horizon of his views. There may be some ailment of the soul, however, in this house and in very weak cases alienation even. Sentiments not reciprocated, nor understood. A feeling of being outside one’s proper environment. There may be encounters with strangers or foreigners, and discoveries, as results of discontent or dissatisfaction with present conditions. So in relation to these conditions it may mean: failing to understand or to appreciate things as they are, estrangement of the world, which may lead to seclusion; secluded feelings.


Discontent with present conditions or environment; estrangement, unrest, aversion, troubles, disgust; discord, failing to understand people or to make oneself understood. New discoveries, researches in unknown countries or territories, meeting with strangers. Instability, changes, generally for the worse in a material sense, but having some distant aim. At war with current opinions. Better to keep silent than to talk, because one will certainly be misunderstood. There may be “imaginary vexations.” (W.) Seclusion; alienation.

Paul Foster-Case

Four of Cups – Surfeit

In the vesica is a diamond, so cut that one face is a square, or 4. It is a symbol of wealth and substance, reminding us that 4 is associated with Beneficence in Qabalah, and is said to be the Sphere of Jupiter.

Time period

The third decanate of Cancer, July 11th to 22nd, under the rulership of Jupiter and Neptune.


Success in material things, but desire for something higher; a period of comparative comfort, yet a little confining; thus the card suggests a degree of satiety; it is a symbol of contemplation, and of the turning away from pleasure in quest for higher things; intimates strong psychic influences.


Material gain, but through injustice; sorrows resulting from satisfaction of desire; getting what one has wanted, but finding no joy in it.

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