Lord of Abundance 3 of Cups – Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn Title

Lord of Abundance

Divinatory meanings

Correct judgement; full measure of all good things upon proper understanding of the situation at hand; a verdict of law that offers benefit, pleasure and prosperity; the understanding of death gives one access to the pleasures of life.

MacGregor Mathers

Success, Triumph, Victory, Favorable Issue.


Expedition of business, Quickness, Celerity, Vigilance.

Astrological attributions

The second or Succedent decan of Cancer is ruled by Mercury from July 2nd-12th.

Magical Image of the Second Face of Cancer in Picatrix

In the second face of Cancer ascends a man clothed in comely apparel, or a man and woman sitting at the table and playing; it bestows riches, mirth, gladness, and the love of women

Picatrix commentary

Picatrix is clearly the inspiration for the Three of Cups.

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