2 of Pentacles – Rider-Waite



A young man, in the act of dancing, has a pentacle in either hand, and they are joined by that endless cord which is like the number 8 reversed.


On the one hand it is represented as a card of gaiety, recreation and its connexions, which is the subject of the design; but it is read also as news and messages in writing, as obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment.

Additional Meanings: Troubles are more imaginary than real.

Reversed Two of Pentacles

Enforced gaiety, simulated enjoyment, literal sense, handwriting, composition, letters of exchange.

Additional Meanings: Bad omen, ignorance, injustice.

76 2 of Coins The Etteilla Tarot The Book of Thoth


Two of Coins

Embarrassment, Obstacle, Engagement, Obstruction, Tear, Snag. Trouble, Upset, Emotion, Awkward Position, Confusion, Difficulty, Unexpected Obstacle, In Error, Obscurity. Agitation, Anxiety, Perplexity, Concern.


Note, Written Document, Handwriting, Text, Literature, Doctrine, Erudition, Written Work, Book, Production, Composition, Dispatch, Epistle, Missive. Written Character. Literal Sense, Alphabet, Elements, Principles, Bill of Exchange.

Paul Foster Case

Two of Coins

On the face of the cube, surrounding a pentagram, is a zodiacal wheel, corresponding to the Qabalistic attribution of the Sphere of the Zodiac to the Divine Number 2. The faces on the two coins suggest polarity, for one is male and the other is female.

Time period

First decanate of Capricorn, from December 22nd to December 31st, under the rulership of Saturn.


Harmony in the midst of change, alternation of gain and loss; change of occupation; travel in quest of wealth; ups and downs of fortune; a visit to friends.


It intimates discontent, foolishness in the management of resources, restricted condition of material affairs due to bad management; the Querent is probably too talkative and too suspicious. He is kind, but inconsistent, and should avoid arguments.



Thierens: 2 of Pentacles


Embarrassment, obstacles, obstruction, emotion, confusion, difficulty, hindrance, unrest, etc. Reversed it is given as message, writing, doctrine, literature, work, book, production, composition, epistle, elements, principles; cheques. Another version gives: “A card of gaiety, recreation and its connections.” (W.)


The Fire on the Sixth house, the house of Virgo. Now here the so-called reversed meanings in the tradition seem to hold the most current significances of this house. Which once more warns us against attaching too great, if any, importance to the idea of ‘reversed’ position. The tradition does not give a very clear conception here, on the whole. The word ’emotion’ is not in its place; as to embarrassment, this is correct: the influence of the sunny and Venusian fire on this house of infinite possibilities must naturally cause ’embarras du choix,’ the difficulty of choice, and the one possibility hindering the other; giving too much force and attention to little or subordinate things and persons. There can be very little harm, however, in any card of the pentacles suit; the greatest evil done here might be that too little profit is earned in proportion to the labour given to it. On the other hand this card must necessarily mean good and conscientious work and fidelity of servants, agreeable and satisfactory work, reasonable remuneration, and consequently joy. The agreeable stimulation which it gives to the nervous system must cause gaiety, recreation, etc. Good health is also one of the results.


Good work, reasonable satisfaction, satisfactory results, agreeable occupations, but a warning to use economy in the display of one’s forces, means, money and health; difficulty of choice; trustworthy and good servants; good treatment of same; joy, gaiety, recreation, etc. Feeling of physical well-being. It must denote also machinery, technics, abilities in these.

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