9 of Pentacles – Rider-Waite



A woman, with a bird upon her wrist, stands amidst a great abundance of grapevines in the garden of a manorial house. It is a wide domain, suggesting plenty in all things. Possibly it is her own possession and testifies to material well-being.


Prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, discernment.

Additional Meanings: Prompt fulfillment of what is presaged by neighbouring cards.

Reversed Nine of Pentacles

Roguery, deception, voided project, bad faith.

Additional Meanings: Vain hopes.

69 9 of Coins The Etteilla Tarot The Book of Thoth


Nine of Coins

Result, Achievement, True, Accomplishment, Success.


Artifice, Fraud, Deception, Broken Promises, Empty Experiences, Aborted Projects.

Paul Foster Case

Nine of Coins

The lunar crescent refers to 9 as Sphere of the Moon.

Time period

Second decanate of Virgo, under rulership of Saturn, from September 2nd to September 11th.


Reserve, discretion, caution, frugality; some worries over money-matters, because of slow maturing of plans; gain through careful investment.


Discouragement, troubles through theft and knavery. Occasionally, when this card is especially Well- dignified, and other cards in the layout confirm it, this represents inheritance, material gain, and much increase of goods, corresponding to the positive meaning of Saturn in Capricorn.




9 of Pentacles


Effect, realisation, accomplishment; positive certain fulfilment of what is presaged by the neighbouring cards, succeeding. Reversed it is said to give: Deception, bad faith, vain hope, idle promise, etc.


It is the Fire on the ascendant, First house, and consequently must be very positive in its meaning and effect. The word ‘effect’ is correct here and everything in the meaning of this card must be positive in its nature. There may be some conceit and self-satisfaction, but not without goodness of heart; self-centredness rather. The person indicated by this card must be a good sportsman and honest above all. So we can see no reason whatever, even in weak cases for addictions such as ‘bad faith,’ etc. Neither can we see ‘prudence’ in it, as one version has it. The force in it does not tolerate contradiction nor delay, does not reason, but acts at once.


Honesty, positive attitude, sport, self-centredness and confidence in one’s self, self-reliance, certitude, accomplishment, directness, no attention paid to other people’s standpoint. Means to the querent: go ahead, you will succeed. Prompt arrival of things. Strong affirmative answer on questions. The effect is certain.

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