Page of Swords – Rider-Waite

A lithe, active figure holds a sword upright in both hands, while in the act of swift walking. He is passing over rugged land, and about his way the clouds are collocated wildly. He is alert and lithe, looking this way and that, as if an expected enemy might appear at any moment.


Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination, and the qualities thereto belonging.

Additional Meanings: An indiscreet person will pry into the Querent’s secrets.


More evil side of these qualities; what is unforeseen, unprepared state; sickness is also intimated.

Additional Meanings: Astonishing news.

53 Page of Swords The Etteilla Tarot The Book of Thoth


Le Valet d’Epee

Overseer, Spy, Onlooker, Observer, Searcher, Connoisseur, Intendant. Examination, Note, Remark, Observation, Annotation, Speculation, Count, Calculation, Computation — Learned, Artistic.


Without Warning, Sudden, Suddenly, Suddenly Interrupting, Astonishing, Surprising, Unexpectedly. Improvise, Act and Speak Without Preparation, Compose and Recite Straightaway.

Paul Foster Case

Servant of Swords

The cube surrounding the vertical line of the ankh refers to the letter Heh at the end of IHVH. This card refers to the astral influences at work on the physical plane, and affecting the physical body.

Time period

From the beginning of the sign Libra to the end of Sagittarius, September 23rd to December 21st, combining the rulerships of Venus, Mars and Jupiter.


A young person of either sex. Artistic, active, generous. Capable of weighing evidence, more or less interested in occult matters, and naturally aspiring. Graceful, subtle in all material things, somewhat interested in philosophy or religion.


Frivolous, cunning and prodigal.


Light-brown hair and blue eyes.



Overseer, artist, learned man, spy, indiscreet person, who will eventually “pry into the querent’s secrets.” Secret service, vigilance, examination, calculation, speculation. A note, observation, remark. Reversed: “The more evil side of those qualities” (W.); the unforeseen sudden, surprising; improvisation. Acting or speaking without due preparation.


The Martian and Saturnian element on the Third house and on the Eleventh. It is very remarkable, that the first series of meanings in this case hint at the third house, while the so-called reversed meanings bear all the characteristics of the Uranian eleventh house: suddenness, surprise, etc. This element on the house of Air, Gemini and Aquarius, must, of course, denote either intellectual facts or concrete results of intelligence. The latter may be called ‘proof’ or ‘outcome’ or exact knowledge. The knowledge of facts may be the fruit of an elementary school curriculum, of journalism, of spying, etc. But it is justly indicated by tradition, that the Martian and Saturnian Gemini-man is a specialist in unlawful knowledge or in knowledge gathered at the cost of much trouble and effort; so it may be also knowledge gathered later in life, university extension. Exact intellectual results may appear as: remarks, observations, notes, etc. When put in the negative there may be investigation, examination, etc. All these are truly the effects of Gemini. There are, moreover, the personalities representing the facts. On account of the eleventh house we shall have to note the same sort of results but more or less reciprocal and sudden, whereas Uranus, lord of this house, accelerates the energy of Mars in this element but is apt to destroy the Saturnian vibrations or at least counteract them. It is quite true, therefore, that this card may represent speaking and acting without sufficient preparation and without dogmatic or very formal outlines: improvisation. Tradition was very correct in this. It could not know, that this page, on account of its eleventh house relations, will represent the railway-, tramway- or bus-conductor as well as the constable regulating the traffic, also the warnings of the same.


Results of exact studies, knowledge, note, observation, warning, indication, examination, inspection, investigation; inspector, constable, police-officer, and their orders; spy, detective, examiner. Dilettante, one who will surprise by his daring but is not well prepared in speech or acting., The latter in weak cases. Sudden, rather unexpected, surprising events or effects.

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