Ten of Cups – Satiety

Ten of Cups Satiety is the state of being satiated, a surfeit.

The Ten of Cups shows that trying to maintain the happiness you have experienced already takes a lot of work and effort, as you are now discovering. Eventually things can only go so far. How much extra effort are you willing to put in. Are those you love appreciating your efforts? Or are you pretending everything is wonderful in the hope that it will go on forever.

“Satiety” is inspired by the Picatrix description.

Book of Thoth – Satiety

The Ten of Cups is called Satiety. its attribution is Mars in Pisces. The watery sign has sunk into a stagnant dream, but in it broods and breeds the violent quality of Mars, to putrefy it. As it is written: “Until a dart strike through his liver.” The pursuit of pleasure has been crowned with perfect success; and constantly it is discovered that, having got everything that one wanted, one did not want it after all; now one must pay.

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Seven of Cups – Debauch

Seven of Cups Debauch means to corrupt by sensuality, to seduce. Archaically to lead away from allegiance or duty. The Seven of Cups asks “How far can you take your own hedonistic pleasures?” You are about to find out where your limits are, and maybe you keep on...

Eight of Cups – Indolence

Eight of Cups Indolence is the quality or state of being indolent, or slothful. It indicates the outcome of excess is a hangover of some kind. It is the morning after the night before and you are emotionally drained, uncertain of exactly what you did. Did you...

Nine of Cups – Happiness

Nine of Cups - Happiness Nine of Cups happiness is the quality or state of being happy. Good fortune or pleasure. The antonym of pleasure is misery. The Nine of Cups shows that there is a perfect balance between fulfilling your own pleasures and the pleasures you...

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