Ten of Swords – Ruin

Ruin means a destroyed or decayed building. Loss of hope or health.  The downfall or ruin of a person or thing. An antonym of ruin is construction or creation.

The Ten of Swords shows the ultimate breakdown of the thinking process. Anger and frustration at the human condition. Experience of mental sorrow and torture from others.

The Ten of Swords is called Ruin. It teaches the lesson which statesmen should have learned, and have not; that if one goes on fighting long enough, all ends in destruction.

Yet this card is not entirely without hope. The Solar influence rules; ruin can never be complete, because disaster is a sthenic disease. As soon as things are bad enough, one begins to build up again. When all the Governments have smashed each other, there still remains the peasant. At the end of Candide’s misadventures, he could still cultivate his garden.

The Magical Image of the Third Face of Gemini in Picatrix

In the third face of Gemini ascends a man seeking for Arms, and a fool holding in the right hand a Bird, and in his left a pipe, and they are the significations of forgetfulness, wrath, boldness, jests, scurrility, and unprofitable words.

The third or Cadent decan of Gemini is ruled by Sun from June 11th-20th.

Picatrix shows ruin arising from futile gestures rather than dealing with the situation.

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Three of Swords – Sorrow

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Four of Swords – Truce

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Five of Swords – Defeat

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Six of Swords – Science

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  1. Brent

    What would you say people born June 11-20 should take from this card? Are they doomed to ruined lives? 🙂

    • 3d8jq

      Of course not! The Astrology is Gemini – none of the zodiac signs are bad


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