Lord of Earthly Power – 4 of Pentacles – Golden Dawn

Divinatory meanings of Four of Pentacles

Golden Dawn title – Lord of Earthly Power

Wisdom displayed in the matter at hand; fair judgement; correct assessment of a situation; mastery of a situation through calm, deliberate action; presents given as tokens of respect.

MacGregor Mathers

Pleasure, Gaiety, Enjoyment, Satisfaction.


Obstacles, Hindrances.

Astrological Attributions

The Third or Cadent decan of Capricorn is ruled by Mercury from January 11th-19th

Magical Image of the Third Face of Capricorn in Picatrix

In the third face of Capricorn ascends a woman chaste in body, and wise in her work, and a banker gathering his money together on the table; the signification of this is to govern in prudence, in covetousness of money, and in avarice.

Picatrix commentary

Picatrix gives a good example of holding onto one’s possessions and power above all else.

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