

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces, exalted in Cancer, and in fall in Capricorn..

Kabbalistic Tree of Life

Jupiter is associated with Chesed, the fourth sephirah on the Tree of Life.

Magic Square

The Magic Square of 4.

Hebrew Alphabet

Hebrew letter Kaph – K – a Hand

The All-Father in 3 forms. Fire, Air and Water. In the Whirlings is War

Liber 777

Kaph the Palm of the hand, is the hub of the wheel from which the force of the 5 elements spring. The reference is particularly to Jupiter and the 10th Atu. The regular form may suggest the fist: the final, the open hand.

Four of Swords – Truce

Truce means a suspension of hostilities, a ceasefire. Temporary respite from pain. The Four of Swords is a time of rest and recuperation so that you can assimilate those potential hurts and loss experienced in the Three of Swords. Time spent away from your situation...

Eight of Swords – Interference

Interference means to interfere. Electromagnetic waves that cancel each other out. Overlapping of languages. The Eight of Swords shows continued thinking and analysis to the detriment of your emotional and physical needs results in 'analysis paralysis'. Thoughts and...