Three of Wands – Virtue

Three of Wands shows movement of the active impulse into a more creative phase. Exploring the possibilities. Increasing the chances of the action succeeding. Creating a supporting environment for the action, such as a new business. Checking the ecology of the action – will it be supported beyond its environment? Will people accept the action?

Virtue represents moral rectitude, virginity, an order of angels, but primarily power or potency.

The antonym of virtue is vice.

Book of Thoth – Virtue – Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is accordingly the Lord of Virtue. The idea of will and dominion has become interpreted in Character.

Establishment of primal energy.

2nd Face of Aries in Picatrix

In the second face of Aries ascends a form of a woman, outwardly clothed with a red garment, and under it a white, spreading abroad over her feet, and this image causes nobleness, height of a Kingdom, and greatness of dominion.

The second or Succedent decan of Aries ruled by Sun from April 1st – 10th

It would seem that Mathers saw Virtue as the image of the woman.

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11 Lust – Book of Thoth

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14 Art – Book of Thoth

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19 The Sun – Book of Thoth

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20 Aeon – Book of Thoth

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