Four of Cups – Luxury

Four of Cups – Luxury

Four of Cups Luxury means sumptuous living, indulgence in comfort or enjoyment. Archaically, luxury means lust or lechery.

The Four of Cups asks if the emotional outreach or roller-coaster of feelings expressed in the Three of Cups is really going to last? Are they what you really want? Were you imagining them? Life seems so easy that you wonder where the problems might come from.

The masculine nature of fire permits the Four of Wands to appear as a very positive and clear-cut conception. The weakness in the element of water threatens its purity; it is not quite strong enough to control itself properly; so the Lord of Pleasure is a little unstable. Purity has somehow been lost in the process of satisfaction.

The Magical image of the Third Face of Cancer in Picatrix

In the third face of Cancer ascends a man a Hunter with his lance and horn, bringing out dogs for to hunt; the signification of this is the contention of men, the pursuing of those who fly, the hunting and possessing of things by arms and brawlings.

The third or Cadent decan of Cancer ruled by Moon from July 13th-22nd

The actions in Picatrix are those of the wealthy who can indulge in such pastimes.

A man covered with serpents, adorned with many golden ornaments, with a face flattened, crossing the ocean in a boat in order to make his wife rich and adorned with gold and jewellery. A serpentine decanate, human & watery.

Careless in money matters generally. In advanced years loss of economic position and money are likely. Their fortunes are subject to dire vicissitudes. They always find it difficult to manage their financIal matters.

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