Seven of Swords – Futility

Futility means quality of being ineffective, useless. Lack of purpose or meaning.

The Seven of Swords wonders if all that inspiration, all those new ideas and experiences, were they worth it? Is there any point to them? It is time to come out of your comfort zone and extend and stretch your intellectual experiences. How much do you really believe? Can you extend your mind? What is mind anyway?

Book of Thoth – Futility

The Seven of Swords is called Futility. This is a yet weaker card than the Seven of Wands. It has a passive sign instead of an active one, a passive planet instead of an active one. It is like a rheumatic boxer trying to “come back” after being out of the ring for years. Its ruler is the Moon. The little energy that it possesses is no more than dream-work; it is quite incapable of the sustained labour which alone, bar miracles, can bring any endeavour to fruition. The comparison with the Seven of Wands is most instructive.

Magical Image of the Third face of Aquarius in Picatrix

In the third face of Aquarius ascends a black and angry man; and the signification of this is in expressing insolence; and impudence.

The third face of Aquarius is ruled by Venus, from February 9-18th

Picatrix demonstrates futile and empty gestures.

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17 The Star – Book of Thoth

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0 The Fool – Golden Dawn

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1 Comment

  1. David Heatherly

    So well said..
    And to be honest..
    Its Exactly what I was experiencing and couldn’t define the emotion.
    What do I believe ?
    Was it all futile?
    Today as I reflect on the core of my sure feels like..its all been a waste of time and energy..
    My Position will now change..
    And so it is.


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