2 of Swords – Rider-Waite


A hoodwinked female figure balances two swords upon her shoulders.


Conformity, and the equipoise which it suggests, courage, friendship, concord in a state of arms; another reading gives tenderness, affection, intimacy. The suggestion of harmony and other favourable readings must be considered in a qualified manner, as Swords generally are not symbolical of beneficent force in human affairs.

Additional Meanings: Gifts for a lady, influential protection for a man in search of help.


Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty.

Additional Meanings: Dealings with rogues.

62 2 of Swords The Etteilla Tarot The Book of Thoth


Le Deu d’Epee: Amitie

Friendship, Attachment, Affection, Tenderness, Kindness, Connection, Relationship, Similarity, Intimacy, Concord, Association, Interest, Conformity, Sympathy, Affinity, Attraction.


False, Falsehood, Lying, Imposture, Duplicity, Bad Faith, Roguery, Trickery, Treachery, Deception, Superficial, Superficiality, Surface.

Paul Foster Case

Here also the symbolism is better when the points of the swords point upward. The combination of the trumpet with the ankh suggests the announcement of something. It is a symbol of balanced force, but the balance is like that of a dead center. At the moment no action is possible.

Time period

The first decanate of Libra, under the rulership of Venus, from September 23rd to October 2.


Contradictory characters in the same nature: strength through suffering; pleasure after pain. Delay in the realization of objectives. It intimates a period of uncertainty, in which the Querent, through he has a sense of adequate power, does not know just what to do with it. Justice, unselfishness, and the restoration of peace.


Falsehood, sorrow; injury from another who means the Querent well, or injury by the Querent to another in the same way. It is always a symbol of tension, of want of tact, and suggests power held in abeyance, awaiting some announcement or revelation that makes decision possible.





Friendship, attachment, affection, intimacy, affinity, tenderness, attraction, etc. “Concord in a state of arms.” (W.) Reversed: Falsity, imposture, lie, duplicity, bad faith, deception, superficiality.


The element Earth on the Second house. By virtue of the Venusian qualities of the Taurus-house, this Saturnian and Martian element, as will easily be understood, leads up to the magnetic affinity of the sexes, consequently to intimacy, attraction, affection, etc. But the idea of ‘friendship’ is different and not in this card. It denotes also artistic appreciation, founded on the perfect functioning of the senses. Taste for art will be born from this and an exact knowledge of prices and values. It is the card which means quality and essential virtue. Therefore it has been rendered as ‘falsehood,’ etc., when reversed, i.e. when the innate virtue is wanting. Now in weak cases this card will certainly denote sensuality and lazy luxurious habits, which will be found accompanied in many instances by the desire for money. For the rest we see in such cases the possibility of stupid resistance, dullness, cruelty, relentless opposition and recreation, passive obstruction, perhaps silent, unforgiving hatred. But in another respect it means the will to cultivate the soil, in the literal as well as in the figurative sense.


Latent force, magnetism, the principle of art, artistic appreciation; quality, virtue; magnetic attraction, affinity, intimacy, affection, that force which binds by the reduction of the senses; in weak cases sensuality, laziness, dullness. When badly aspected cruelty, unforgiving hatred, passive obstruction, etc.

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