

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and Aquarius, and is exalted in Libra. Saturn is associated with Binah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Saturn is the dark planet of sorrow.

In traditional astrology it is the furthest planet of the solar system, it is also the slowest.

The colour is black. On the Kabbalistic Tree of Life it is associated with Binah.

The Magic Square of 3×3

Hebrew Alphabet

The 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tau, meaning a cross.


The Slain God. Universe is the hexagram.

Liber 777

Th = Universe

V = Hexagram

Tau, a Tau or Cross symbolizes the element of Earth as a solidification of the four elements. There is also a phallic meaning, whence Tau is attributed not only to Earth, but to Saturn. Tau was originally written cruciform.

Eight of Cups – Indolence

Eight of Cups Indolence is the quality or state of being indolent, or slothful. It indicates the outcome of excess is a hangover of some kind. It is the morning after the night before and you are emotionally drained, uncertain of exactly what you did. Did you...

Ten of Wands – Oppression

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Three of Swords – Sorrow

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