Eight of Wands – Swiftness

Swiftness means moving with great speed, prompt action, quick thinking. To be smart or clever.

The Eight of Wands is about: communicating, selling, promoting, marketing, making news about the actions. Hearing news about the action.

Book of Thoth – Swiftness

In the Eight of Wands, fire is no longer conjoined with the ideas of combustion and destruction. It represents energy in its most exalted and tenuous sense; this suggests such forms thereof as the electric current; one might almost say pure light in the material sense of that word.

Crowley saw this card as representing high energy physics.

The rainbow is prominent.

Magical Image of the First Face of Sagittarius in Picatrix

In the first face of Sagittarius ascends the form of a man armed with a coat of mail, and holding a naked sword in his hand; the operation of this is for boldness, malice, and liberty:

The first or Ascendant decan of Sagittarius is ruled by Mercury from November 22nd-Dec 1st

Mercury ruling this decanate of Sagittarius gives the sense of swiftness and ease of movement, to which we can add boldness and liberty from Picatrix. How the malice fits in is not so easy to establish.

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Seven of Wands – Valour

Valour means bravery in the face of great danger. The antonym for valour is cowardice. https://youtu.be/tvmICfqSduc The Seven of Wands suggests finding new uses for the action. Discovering that the action is making changes into new areas. Making the action go further...

Nine of Wands – Strength

Strength is the state of being strong and healthy. A capable corps, ability to resist, ability to maintain the state. https://youtu.be/m7qTz_oOtx0 The Nine of Wands suggests more strengthening of the action. Whatever doubts one had, these will be dispelled. The...

Ten of Wands – Oppression

Oppression is the cruel or unjust exercise of power or authority. A heavy burden. The antonym is Justice. https://youtu.be/HnAowcAEa5M The Ten of Wands means actions that started with a vague idea or an impulse has become <a monster that is out of control. Other...

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  1. Pablo Bianchi

    Hello master Paul Hugues, could the 8 of wands also mean intuition?

    • ar1cz

      Hi Pablo, yes the 8 of Wands could refer to intuition or a brainwave


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