15 The Devil – Book of Thoth

The Devil Tarot Divinatory Meanings

The Devil is an excellent indicator for success in business and career. Ambition of all kinds, which could override the wishes of others, is very likely. The desire to dominate is strong. Astrologically this card is Capricorn and the 10th house, which is also the position of the father. When the Devil is weak, the client will often feel put upon, under stress, unable to move or change careers. Repression or bullying at work. Alternatively, the client is obsessed about work and career, and their place on the greasy pole.

Book of Thoth Devil meanings

With thy right Eye create all for thyself, and with the left
accept all that be created otherwise.

Blind impulse, irresistibly strong and unscrupulous, ambition, temptation, obsession, secret plan about to be executed; hard work, obstinacy, rigidity, aching discontent, endurance.

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5 The Hierophant – Book of Thoth

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